Prophecy to the Greek or Western man is prediction and fulfilment. To the Jew, it is pattern. The Jewish sages compiled the 150 psalms...

15. Is the Book of Daniel Open?
Daniel is one of the major books on prophecy in the Bible. Daniel is divided into the first six chapters which are historical and the...

14. The Chronology of the Final or 70th Week of Daniel (Revelation)
Most of the books I have read on Daniel’s final or 70th week relate it will be divided into two equal halves of 1260 days, a multiple of...

In 1776, the Continental Army was defeated at Long Island in August. The 20,000 British and Hessian troops turned the Americans’ flank...

12 - Thanksgiving
Around 1530, Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Church and formed the Church of England. The Catholic Church refused to annul his...

11 - The Destiny of Islam
I have written about the destruction of Islam over a 2 year span per Amos 1:1 previously, but new information has come to my attention...

10 - More Thoughts on the Book of Jasher (The Upright)
I was puzzled that God did not appear to intervene much in the affairs of men until the Flood, 1656 years after Creation according to the...

8 - The Ancient Book of Jasher- Jacob and Esau
Jasher is not a book of the Bible, but it covers the history of the world from Genesis to the conquest of Canaan after the Exodus. It is...

ODDS AND ENDS About 1400 BC, Moses was instructed by God on tekhelet (pronounced t-chell-et), A Hebrew word for a color of blue that the...

7 - Opening Revelations
BIBLICAL PROPHECY (Feb., 2017) Judaism and Islam are mutually exclusive. The heart of the history of the Jews is that Abraham was...